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Behind The Scenes of Green Mountain Maple
How is Vermont Maple Syrup made?The typical sugaring season lasts from February into April although there is no "set" time to begin. The length of the winter, temperature and snowfall amounts are variables that affect the timing of the start of the sap running and how long it will last. The best condition for the sap to begin its run is freezing nights followed by warmer, sunny days. As soon as a few of these days pass, the harvesting process is set to begin. The annual run lasts until the nights are no longer freezing and the trees begin to bud.
What's the difference between the grades?Syrup grades are based on color which is determined by the amount of light that can be seen through the syrup and are categorized into "grades". Despite the use of grades, the distinction has nothing to do with purity or quality, but rather the grading is based on the maple flavor and is determined by the amount of light that can be transmitted through each grade. The more light that can be seen through the syrup, the lighter the grade. Vermont grading system is based on the color and maple flavor. Golden Delicate is a lighter maple flavor while Dark Robust, formerly known as Grade B, is a darker syrup with a stronger maple flavor. Amber Rich is a transition flavor between Golden Delicate and Dark Robust. Vermont maintains a higher standard of product density and allows for less water in its composition than does the USDA grading system. Vermont's inspection system is quite strict and sugarmakers can be significantly fined for mislabeling syrup.
What's the difference between organic and non-organic syrup?The difference between Organic and Non-Organic syrup is quite basic. While not all syrups are certified as organic, all syrups are basically produced the same way. Maple trees are tapped, the sap is collected, and the sap is boiled down to syrup. The Vermont Dept of Agriculture requires all syrup producers to adhere to strict guidelines, especially if they want to use the State of Vermont seal on the product. To obtain the organic certification, an additional inspection is required. While our syrup is not certified organic, it is produced without any chemicals or pesticides.
Why does Vermont produce the best syrup?Vermont only taps sugar maples while other areas rely on red and black maples. The red maples bud earlier than sugar maples which ends the sap run. The weather in Vermont is conducive to a longer season. The soil compostion is rich in calcium & minerals. Vermont's rural nature has sustained the maple sugaring industry since the 1700s. Despite it's small size, Vermont is the nation's leading producer of maple syrup, bringing to market over 1.1 million gallons each year, almost double what NY State will produce, the nation's second largest producer. The stricter guidelines instituted by the Vermont Department of Agriculture also result in a more purer syrup than anywhere else.
Isn't what's sold in the supermarkets maple syrup?​Unless the ingredients state "maple syrup", most of what is sold in supermarkets is made up of high fructose corn syrup flavored with sotolon. These products contain no genuine maple content. Additionally, thickeners are used to replicate the viscosity of real maple syrup. While less expensive than real maple syrup, these products, despite their best efforts, cannot imitate the true taste of real maple syrup.
What's Green Mountain Maple's Refund Policy?While we are positive you will love our Pure Vermont Maple & Vermont-based products as well as our personalized customer service, all of our products come with a 100% guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason and notify us within 10 days of receipt of your purchase, we will either replace the product or refund your money.
What is the shelf life for Maple Candy?Our Maple Candy does not contain any preservatives and, to assure its freshness, it has a shelf life of about 60 days. If you're not planning to enjoy our Maple Candy right away, it should be refrigerated.
What if I find mold after I open my jug?Unlike honey or sugar, Pure Vermont Maple has a higher water content which makes it more susceptible to growing mold. There are several types of mold & the type that may appear at the top of your maple is non-toxic, so you don't have to throw it out. We always remind people to refrigerate their Pure Vermont Maple after the jug is opened (also says to "refrigerate after opening" on the jug.). Refrigeration wiil avoid any mold from growing. You can also freeze Pure Vermont Maple extending the shelf life. To get rid of the mold, simply spoon it out. You can then reheat the maple bringing it to a short boil. After it cools, you can put the maple back into clean jugs and you're ready to enjoy our Pure Vermont Maple.
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